Configuring HTTP Basic Auth secured repository is a little bit hard. Just remember the following things:

  • For simplicity we use the same login value for everyone - myMavenRepo.
  • You should use read URL with read password and write URL with write password. You can't use read URL with write password.
  • There is difference between repository credentials and service credentials. Don't mess them up.

Help / Configuring Maven pom.xml file for HTTP Basic Auth secured repository


Let's specify password to your repositories in ~/.m2/settings.xml


Replace ${yourHttpAuthReadPassword}, ${yourHttpAuthWritePassword} with corresponding password values.

Get more info: official documentation


Since your repository is protected by HTTP Basic Auth you can directly use read URL in your /path/to/project/pom.xml file:


Replace ${} with your read repository URL.

Get more info: official documentation

Publishing artifacts

Since your repository is protected by HTTP Basic Auth you can directly use write URL in your /path/to/project/pom.xml file:


Replace ${myMavenRepo.write.url} with your write repository URL.

To upload artifacts use mvn deploy command.

Get more info: official documentation